There are so many questions and decisions to make during your pregnancy and so many more to be made when your baby is born…delayed cord clamping, keeping the cord blood, eye ointment….? And my placenta? What shall i do with my placenta?

Well I am very glad you asked because your placenta is full of so many wonderful nutrients, hormones, vitamins and minerals that are so perfectly suited for your specific needs right after the birth of your baby that it would be a shame not to take advantage of all its amazing properties.

By choosing to encapsulate your placenta you are replenishing your body with the most personalized support imaginable to carry you through your postpartum period with ease, as it will provide a steady supply of energy while your body regains its balance again.

In case you were also wondering about the different methods available to encapsulate your placenta, here is a little description:

Heated: This is the Traditional method of encapsulation and it’s based on the principles of Qi (warmth) in Traditional Chinese Medicine( TMC). The placenta is gently steamed before dehydration and encapsulation.This method is believed to be warming for the body, replenishing you and your circulatory system, and improving your mood.

Raw: The placenta is prepared for dehydration from a raw state. The raw method yields about 20% more capsules and it is believed to preserve hormones and nutrients better. The turnover is slightly longer.

And you may also add a tincture; which extends the benefits of the placenta, a tincture can be made within a few weeks of giving birth. Placenta tinctures can last for years and can be helpful with your first postpartum cycle or even later on while going through menopause.

There isn’t any natural or prescribed supplement on the market that can do what your own placenta can. Your placenta is made by your body for your body, making it the best option.

If you would like to learn more about placenta encapsulation, it’s methods, or any other question that you may have call me or email me and I will be more than happy to chat with you about it and maybe even meet you after the birth of your baby with my little cooler to pick up your placenta and turn it into capsules filled with love and goodness!