Some of the amazing  placenta encapsulation benefits are:

  • Lessening the risk of postpartum hemorrhage and lessening the lochia phase ( vaginal discharge during the postpartum period).
  • Balancing out your hormone levels until the body is able to regulate on its own
  • Providing natural pain relief from the labor and birthing process
  • The placenta helps your uterus return to pre-pregnancy size
  • Lending you a consistent flow of oxytocin (the bonding and euphoric hormone)
  • Replenishing your B-Vitamins and offering your body protein for energy
  • Protection from infection due to retained placenta or bacteria in the uterus
  • Replenishing iron lost from birth and preventing postpartum anemia.


These benefits are possible due to the following hormones and nutrients:

  • Oxytocin – is the hormone of love, bonding, protection; promotes bonding between mother and baby. It also helps uterus to return to normal size, counteracts the production of stress hormones such as cortisol; enhances the breastfeeding let-down reflex
  • Prostaglandins – these anti-inflammatory hormones regulate the uterine contractions after birth and helps uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size
  • Placental Opioid-Enhancing Factor (POEF) – reduces pain; increases well being by stimulating the production of the body’s natural pain killers, like endorphins.
  • Interferon and Gammaglobulin – both stimulate the immune system to protect against infection
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone – regulates the thyroid gland, boosting and balancing metabolism and energy levels
  • Cortisone – combats stress and unlocks energy stores in body
  • Iron – replenishes maternal iron stores to help combat anemia or postnatal iron deficiency; decreases fatigue and depression
  • Hemoglobin – the oxygen carrying molecule vital to energy in the body, clarity of the mind; supportive to the immune system

Lotus Mom provides placenta encapsulation services in and around Toronto.